
You love your dog. We love dogs too; However, Mills Riverside Park is NOT a dog park, it is a community park. Your cooperation is required to ensure that dogs remain welcome at Mills Riverside Park.
To create a safe and enjoyable space for all park users, follow these three rules:
- Leash Up! Dogs must be leashed up except in the designated off-leash area.
- Clean Up! Clean up after your dog.
- Speak Up! If you see something unsafe, say something.
Your dog must be on-leash at all times except in the Off-Leash area of the park. Why?
1. Respect for others:
- Some people are afraid or uncomfortable around dogs
- A dog running loose can easily trip or injure another park visitor
2. It’s the law.
3. The liability is yours. You are strictly liable for your dog’s actions, including unintentional damage or injury.
Pets must be leashed in all on-leash areas of the park including the:
- Parking lot
- Sports fields
- Picnic areas
- Hiking trails
- Pond area
The designated off-leash area includes fields and water play in the Browns River which is accessible from the off-leash area. Please check out our Trail Map if you are unfamiliar with the location of the offleash area. Abundant signs identify when you are entering and leaving the off-leash area.
Understand that:
- Our off-leash area is still NOT a dog park
- The area is shared by many park visitors throughout the year
- You must remain in control of your dog at all times for everyone’s safety. In control means that you have visual line of sight to your dog and the ability to immediately recall your dog.
- The off-leash area is unfenced, and your dog must remain on park property at all times to be courteous to our neighbors and to avoid incidents with neighboring farm animals.
- Monitor and clean up after your pup!
- Do not leave bags of dog waste on the ground.
- The park offers three dispensers of dog waste bags and disposal bins for the easy clean up of dog waste.
Dog-related incidents at Mills Riverside Park are infrequent, and we want to keep it that way. Violations of these rules may result in enforcement actions by Park District board members, Jericho and/or Underhill animal control officers (ACOs), and are subject to VT State laws. Know the park rules and how to report incidents to ensure everyone’s safety and enjoyment at Mills Riverside Park.
- Dog Bites: Handled per VT state law 20 V.S.A. § 3546. Report by dialing 911.
- Aggressive Dogs: are NOT allowed at Mills Riverside Park. If your dog is acting in an aggressive manner, immediately remove your dog from the park.
- Report Dog Issues:
- To the Park District via form, phone 802-899-1141 or email
- To the Town Animal Control Officers:
- Jericho ACO: 802-999-0676
- Underhill ACO: 802-373-0893
- Enforcement Response:
- JUPD board members will address first time violations through awareness and education.
- The towns of Jericho and Underhill have pet ordinances that apply at Mills Riverside Park. ACOs are authorized to enforce this policy, and warnings and fines may be issued for noncompliance.
- Persistent non-compliance may be referred to Jericho and/or Underhill ACOs for further action.
- Extreme cases may involve consultation with the town selectboard and/or Vermont State Police.